Thursday, January 15, 2015

Self-Service and the Internet of Everything Make a Big Splash at CES 2015

It was a record breaking year for the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES). There were tons of innovative and immersive technologies being showcased, including things like driver-less cars, 4K TV's, advances in wearable devices, and virtual realities.

But what do all these things have in common? They all have the potential to be connected with the Internet of Everything (IoE) phenomenon, a continuing hot topic throughout the space. Check out this short clip from CES's YouTube channel, highlighting one of the major trends at this years show, the IoE.

Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Assistants also made an appearance at CES 2015. According to an article from, Virtual Assistants are one of the top tech trends to watch out for this year (8 Hot Tech Trends Coming to Your Office in 2015). Gartner also predicted in 2012 that "by 2015 [this year], 50 percent of online customer self-service search activities will be via a Virtual Assistant for at least 1,500 large enterprises" (Gartner Says Organizations That Integrate Communities Into Customer Support Can Realize Cost Reductions of Up to 50 Percent). While the exact numbers are not available at this point, it is apparent that since 2012 more and more companies are adopting self-service strategies to support their customers' needs.   

What were some of the tech gadgets that caught your eye this year? Any predictions for CES 2016?

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