Thursday, June 2, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Spacecrafts to Space Factories

In light of Throwback Thursday, I was doing some searching on what happened on this day in tech history. According to the blog, June 2, 1966 was when "NASA's lunar lander Surveyor lands in Oceanus Procellarum ("Ocean of Storms") on the Moon, becoming the first US spacecraft to soft-land on an extraterrestrial body." 

Fast forward to 2016, and people are imagining a future with more than just spacecrafts existing in space. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, recently talked about his thoughts on space and AI at this weeks Code Conference. He believes that to sustain the Earth, we should take high-energy production and move it into space. "Earth will be zoned residential and light industrial," he explained. "You shouldn't be doing heavy energy on earth. We can build gigantic chip factories in space." (

Another hot topic at the Code Conference was Artificial Intelligence. Amazon's CEO, as well as CEO's of Google and IBM all went on to emphasize the huge impact they foresee happening with AI in the near future. Even greater than what is happening right now. "Whether we call it AI, cognitive computer, or smart assistants, one thing's for sure. It's real. Tech giants are betting big on it. And we're just beginning to scratch the surface of what AI can do to enhance our lives and our work..." (Fox Business

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