Monday, May 21, 2018

noHold Does Mini Hackathon for Companies to Demonstrate How Quickly Creating a Virtual Assistant Can Be

Have you ever wondered how long a Virtual Assistant implementation would take? Like the saying goes, "time is money" and having a quick implementation is important for many companies. Now, the technology has advanced so far that the implementation of a well-structured, working Virtual Assistant can be live within a day!

Recently, noHold has been doing a "mini hackathon" approach with companies to demonstrate how quick it can be. We are able to go on campus, and create Virtual Assistants for them on the spot. How did we do it?

  1. Take existing content from the website. For example manuals, FAQs, or even internal documents they were able to share. The point is to get content that is already available.
  2. Make some changes to the formatting of the document to make it Albert compatible. (i.e. adding Headings)
  3. Uploading the document to the SICURA QuickStart platform. This upload only takes a couple of minutes. Once complete, you can launch your very own Virtual Assistant.
  4. Personalize the UI for each company such as adding color, logos, etc. 
  5. Doing testing on the Virtual Assistant by asking it questions. This way you can identify an knowledge gaps or improvements to the content through the metrics. 

We were able to do these steps in person demonstrating to companies that creating a Virtual Assistant does not have to be confusing or lengthy process. Using Albert to create the Virtual Assistant requires no programming skills and can be done in a short amount of time. If you are interested in learning more about creating a bot, please contact us through the website:

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