Friday, March 2, 2012

Customer Feedback Fridays - EZIntel™

noHold has had the opportunity to speak with and work with many different companies over the last 12 years. Listening to business requirements and understanding what is important to our customers is what makes us successful. One of the most common questions about implementing a Virtual Assistant is: Where do I begin?

The way we approach the response is always with flexibility: We can start with the most popular product; Look at the top call drivers, etc. But one our favorite response is this: Why don't we start with EZIntel? EZIntel is a simple edit field that preempts the contact us or help pages. It captures free form customer intent and turns it into actionable intelligence.

So, without having to boil the ocean, we let the end users tell us where we should start.
Enjoy this feedback from noHold customer, Computershare.

“We found the EZintel product very effective in helping us to gauge interaction volumes and understand the most common questions and issues faced by our users. It played a valuable role in helping us to further understand our audience and structure the help tool more effectively.”

For more information about EZIntel, contact us.

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