Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Leading Analyst Firm Predicts Cognizant Computing to Include Virtual Agents

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In today’s market, cognizant computing is making a breakthrough. It is the cutting edge technology that customizes services, products, and advertising to individual consumer based on information gathered straight from those consumers. For example, cognizant computing allows ‘Brand X’ to advertise sales on tablets to Joe because he searched for tablet sales, and that same brand can advertise device accessories to Suzie because she has a purchasing history of device accessories. Of course, this is a basic example, and cognizant computing involves more complex algorithms to determine what each customer wants.

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Just recently, Apple announced the newest version of its Operating System (iOS 8) to include features that will personalize user experiences through cognizant computing. They unveiled the “intuitive typing technology that can predict replies to text messages based on the content of the text and the person you’re talking with” (Apple Announces iOS 8, with an Overhauled Keyboard and Self-Destructing Audio Messages). In essence, your device will recognize who you are talking to and adapt the predictive text accordingly. So, if you are talking to a colleague, the predictive text will appear more professional, as opposed to talking to a close friend where the predictive text will be a bit more laid back. 

This type of cognizant computing is paving the way for everyone else. Soon, users of all types of devices will expect this type of customized interaction, not only for mobile apps, but even on the web. Virtual Agents are going to be able to collect data from users and provide them with more specific information to what pertains to them. Also, cognizant Virtual Agents are going to be able to purchase things online for 'me.' Leading analyst firms agree that Virtual Agents are going to be to apps, what search is to websites; but with most people using mobile devices to browse the web, Virtual Agents are going to be expected for website interactions as well.

What do you expect when interacting with a Virtual Agent? What is your opinion on cognizant computing and the future of technology for end users? 

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