Thursday, April 25, 2013

Throwback Thursday: The Evolution of Knowledge Management

     This week for Throwback Thursday, I found a fascinating infographic about how Knowledge Management (KM) has altered over the years. Believe it or not, Knowledge Management has been around since 3500 BC when the cuneiform language was developed. The invention of this language paved the way for information to be shared, stored, and preserved. 
     Now if we fast forward to the 1990’s, when computer technology and the World Wide Web became hot topics “software vendors scrambled to develop Knowledge Management solutions as its presence in the corporate world blossom into something big. Microsoft and IBM both reposition their software to emphasize Knowledge Management qualities.” According to this infographic, having a Knowledge Management solution is a high priority for companies now a day. Big names such as those mentioned above, knew to be successful they would need an effective KM solution. Implementing KM solutions is a great way to allow people to contribute to information securely, help companies manage/organize information and
make it easier for people to search and find the correct information they are looking for.
      The future of Knowledge Management is ever expanding. There will always be further information to be added and new ways of sharing it.  Peter Drucker, a former management consultant and the man who coined the term Knowledge Management, said in an article in the Harvard Business Review, that its sole purpose is not only for managers to share  knowledge, but also to track innovation that occurs as a result. 
    You can find all this information and more by clicking on this link that will send you straight to the infographic which was produced by Socialcast.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mission Possible: The Top Criteria for Successfully Completing a Knowledge Management Evaluation Assignment

As a support professional, your job is to make objective decisions that benefit your company as well as your clients, to make a difference, to become the hero and to be recognized for making an impact on the top and bottom lines. When choosing a Knowledge Management solution, the industry leaders turn to reputable sources like consultants, analyst firms, even recommendations from a trusted colleague.

Today, we want to offer you an inside look at what some of the largest, most well-known businesses are asking when searching for and evaluating a Knowledge Management solution. The million dollar question: What are award-winning support organizations looking for when evaluating self-help technology? Your Mission: Download the document, “Mission Possible: The top Criteria for Successfully Completing a Knowledge Management Evaluation Assignment” to get the inside scoop, to be better prepared when evaluating future solutions, and to evaluate your existing customer self-help ecosystem. 

"This guide has been designed to help you on your mission. You can use it as a tool to complete your Knowledge Management mission like a hero. Here you will find a collection of questions that award winning brands have used in their search for award winning support." -Sarah Ramoz, Marketing Operations Manager.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

noHold Knighted

Just a few weeks ago, Diego Ventura, the founder and CEO of noHold, Inc. was awarded by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, the special honor of the Order of the Star of Italy. This honor is given to Italians, both abroad and foreign, who promote friendly relations between Italy and other countries and create ties with Italy as well.

Diego was recognized for this award because of his technological contributions to the Italian Consulate in San Francisco. The SF Consulate is one of the first Consulates to utilize a Virtual Agent on their website. noHold was able to create a bilingual (English and Italian) Virtual Agent for people to find out quick answers to questions regarding citizenship, visas, travel to Italy, and more. You can check out the Virtual Agent by clicking here and interact with Federica yourself. 

"The average completion rate of an interaction with the Virtual Agent is 73%." With the amount of success the Italian Consulate is getting from the Virtual Agent, it is apparent that Virtual Agents can simply be used anywhere. If a Virtual Agent can streamline international affairs in multiple languages, the use of the Virtual Agent will only continue to spread to such places like doctor's offices, the DMV, etc.

I'll leave you with a link to the full Press Release of the SF Italian Consulate Virtual Agent and a special quote from Diego as well.

“The realization of this project could have not been possible without the vision of the past Consul General of Italy, Fabrizio Marcelli, who pioneered the technology and  the collaboration of the current Consul General, Mauro Battocchi, who embraced it.  Special thanks also to the implementation internationals teams including Andrea Sahli, Alessio Cei and Stefano Mancini."

Have a great week!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Throwback Thursday: AVG and "Award-Winning"

In light of Throwback Thursday, we thought it would be a good time to bring back some Customer Feedback Friday blogs. "Award-Winning" would have to be one of my favorite blogs. Here is a small snippet from the blog:  “According to leading analyst firms and industry associations, the core component of an award winner is to tell a story. The story has to begin with challenges, and the judges should be able to visualize themselves in the story. The next portions should include: your approach to solve the problem; what did you do; and a results statement. In summary, to have a compelling story the critical success factors are: a great beginning, good rhythm and pacing, and a great conclusion. The conclusion should not be that you reached 'nirvana' but that something significant happened, and there is still work to be done.Check out the entire blog by clicking on the link above.

I also wanted to share with you a more recent quote from a valued noHold customer.

“The use of noHold technology for both sales and support has resulted in a cleaner, enhanced Customer journey and is a revenue generator. We are pleased with the Customer Satisfaction rating the v-agent sustains. We continue to add new domains as we release additional products and services.” 
  - Garry Schultz, AVG, VP of Customer Care
