Thursday, May 5, 2016

Creating a Virtual Assistant Made Easy

I am excited to share with you a project we have been working on that will change the way content is created and made available. We have crafted a way for anyone (even non-programmers) to turn bulky user manuals into interactive Virtual Assistants.

All you have to do is fill in the Microsoft Word template (provided by noHold) with information on a certain topic, upload the document to our A.I. platform, and then the platform will automatically generate a Virtual Assistant according to your input. Typically, it takes about 6 weeks to create a Virtual Assistant from scratch, but with the use of this template, it can be done within days.

Check out the video for more on this project.

I am eager to see how this will affect the future of Virtual Assistants, and A.I. in general. Feel free to contact noHold for more information about creating your own Virtual Assistant or message me on LinkedIn.


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